IOPI Medical Q1 2024 Newsletter - Almost 4,000 "Series 3" Devices Sold!
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“What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.”

- John Steinbeck

While winter may be truly upon us, bringing on the earth’s hibernation with the quiet frost of early mornings, and the solitude of cold, dark nights, here at IOPI we are alive and buzzing about the year to come! Not least of all is finishing off 2024 with ASHA on home turf the first week of December!

Speaking of ASHA, we had the best time in Boston. It was wonderful to be back and to reconnect with so many of you, and to meet a lot of new people. You are the reason we do what we do! Your stories and questions push us to do more, to be better. Watch this space for announcements throughout the year. We think you’ll like what you hear!

In the meantime, don’t forget to visit our website. It gives you the opportunity to interact with our IOPI staff, and Patient Advocacy tools (have you seen the Dysphagia Cost tool?!). You can also use our Get a Quote page if you’re in need of pricing information. It’s quick and easy! You can also follow us on Instagram (iopimedical), Twitter (@iopimedical) & Facebook (IOPI Medical LLC) for the latest news and information.

Fun Fact!

Since the launch of our Series 3 Pro & Trainer devices back in 2017, our customers have purchased around 4,000 devices! Stop for a minute and think about what this means. What it looks like. Think about how many people’s lives have been changed by the care you have given and your drive to provide your patients with the best by implementing the use of an IOPI.

Typically, it’s not just one patient per device, but let’s keep it conservative, looking at just our Pro device with about 3,100 out in the field. Let’s say each clinician we sell to uses an IOPI Pro on two new patients per week, 8 per month. That’s 96 a year. That 96 a year multiplied by 3,100 Pros for a potential total of 297,600 patients helped by an IOPI per year. And that’s just so far! As we continue to grow year after year, reaching more and more medical professionals and patients, how many more lives can we change together? It’s pretty amazing.

Our Clinical Consultant, Ed Bice shares his own recent experience with a patient in our Clinician Corner segment below. We dare you to read it without tearing up. We couldn’t!

Earn ASHA CEUs with Our Two FREE Courses!

Many of you may already be familiar with our esteemed Clinical Consultant, Ed Bice, but did you know, you can learn from him from the comfort of your office or home? IOPI Medical offers ASHA Continuing Education Units with our two FREE courses.

The Role of Oral Musculature in Swallowing and the Therapeutic Benefits of the IOPI, will review the oral musculature and its essential functions, as well as explore exercise principles and how the IOPI can be integrated into a dysphagia treatment plan.

Our second course, Research Update, summarizes recent findings related to the IOPI.

Click the button below to register!

Clinician's Corner with Ed Bice

As we celebrate special occasions throughout the year, food takes on a central role. Is there anything more meaningful than sitting with family and friends and enjoying conversation while partaking in food and drink that causes us to reflect on traditions and the memory of people we have celebrated and loved? For many, the experience is hampered by their swallowing abilities. While clinicians are focused on the safety and efficiency of swallowing, this may not be the primary concern for individuals with swallowing disorders. A patient recently reminded me of the impact of my response to their disorder. The individual came for an outpatient evaluation. They had a remote history of radiation for head and neck cancer. Recently, they had suffered a fall and fractured their hip. While in the hospital recovering from surgery, they developed pneumonia. The physician ordered a modified barium swallow study that revealed a typical swallow suffering the long-term effects of radiation, decreased movement of all structures resulting in residue, and airway invasion.

The person was advised that if they continued to eat and drink, they would die. The placement of a feeding tube and NPO status followed. Fast forward 8 weeks. A gaunt, depressed individual conveyed to me, "If I could just eat soup beans and drink coffee, I would be happy." (I live in rural Appalachia, where beans are a staple.) What followed was a long conversation concerning aspiration, tube feeding, late effects of radiation, and swallowing. After five weeks of treatment that included therapy with a bolus to promote motor learning and progressive resistance and "homework" that consisted of eating and drinking, the individual asked, "If I go home and just start eating, can I still come for therapy?" There was a lengthy conversation surrounding autonomy, quality of life, aspiration, and pneumonia. The answer was a resounding "yes." Moving ahead a few weeks, an energized individual walked through the door of my therapy room to report the libations and food they had consumed with their family on Thanksgiving. It was a great reminder that food and drink transcend swallowing mechanics. It was a good day.

The focus of the articles highlighted in this quarter’s newsletter investigates the perceptions and concerns of the true dysphagia experts, the people suffering from the disorder.

Article Spotlight!

The True Cost of Dysphagia on Quality of Life: The Views of Adults with Swallowing Disability

Smith R, Bryant L, Hemsley B. The true cost of dysphagia on quality of life: The views of adults with swallowing disability. Int J Lang Commun Disord. 2023 Mar;58(2):451-466. doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12804. Epub 2022 Dec 8. PMID: 36479787.

The investigators interviewed 9 adults with chronic dysphagia using the Dysphagia Disorders Survey. The participants indicated that dysphagia and its interventions reduced their quality of life. They reported that their dysphagia had created reduced physical safety, reduced choice and control, poor mealtime experiences, and poor social engagement. Participants identified barriers to and facilitators for improved quality of life including: being involved in the design of their meals, being adaptable, having ownership of swallowing difficulties, managing the perceptions of others and resisting changes to oral intake. The authors suggest that clinicians interacting with people with dysphagia need to consider how self-determination, autonomy and freedom of choice are salient factors in perceived quality of life for people with swallowing disorders.
More Articles

The next three articles all highlight the needs, perspectives, and experience of the patients themselves.

The articles below are
only a small fraction of the number of IOPI-related studies in general. You can find many more, covering a variety of topics, by visiting or clicking the button at the end of the section.

Client Perspectives on Living with Dysphagia in the Community

Howells., P., Ward, E., & Kuipers, K.
Simone R. Howells, Petrea L. Cornwell, Elizabeth C. Ward & Pim Kuipers (2021) Client perspectives on living with dysphagia in the community, International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 23:2, 201-212, DOI: 10.1080/17549507.2020.1765020

The investigation examined the experience of people with dysphagia of varying etiologies living at home in the community by interviewing 15 individuals. The findings highlight a range of psychosocial impacts. Patients describe issues they encountered trying to manage other health conditions alongside dysphagia and how that influenced their perspectives. The lack of understanding and knowledge of dysphagia communities presents an ongoing barrier for patients and their caregivers. The authors suggest that speech-language pathologists should consider individual client health priorities and support their patients' physical and psychosocial needs.

Experiences and Perceptions of Stroke Patients Living with Dysphagia: A Qualitative Meta-synthesis

Li C, Qiu C, Shi Y, Yang T, Shao X, Zheng D. Experiences and perceptions of stroke patients living with dysphagia: A qualitative meta-synthesis. J Clin Nurs. 2022 Apr;31(7-8):820-831. doi: 10.1111/jocn.15995. Epub 2021 Aug 8. PMID: 34369025.

The paper included the results of 5 studies and identified 4 major issues faced by individuals with dysphagia: life changes after dysphagia, difficulty coping with social events, the difficulty of resuming a normal life, and limited professional services. After analyzing the data, the authors concluded that the psychological health and social well-being of individuals with dysphagia require more attention from care providers.

The Care Needs of Persons with Oropharyngeal Dysphagia and Their Informal Caregivers: A Scoping Review

Ninfa A, Crispiatico V, Pizzorni N, Bassi M, Casazza G, Schindler A, Delle Fave A. The care needs of persons with oropharyngeal dysphagia and their informal caregivers: A scoping review. PLoS One. 2021 Sep 23;16(9):e0257683. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0257683. PMID: 34555044; PMCID: PMC8460009.

The scoping review examined the literature to examine the care needs of patients with dysphagia and their caregivers. Fifteen studies were included in the review. Of primary concern to both patients and caregivers were social and psychological issues. Additionally, 4.9% of the patients expressed concern over physical needs. The number lags far behind the social and psychological concerns. The findings highlight burned dysphagia places on the lives of patients and caregivers. The authors suggest better powered and more focused studies are required to design tools and interventions tailored to patients' and caregivers' needs.

Don't Forget to Use Your Resources

To help you achieve the greatest level of success for your patients, we continue to provide you with the necessary Purchasing Advocacy tools, as well as clinical support.

Our Purchasing Advocacy tools can be found on our Medical Professionals page. Here you will find our IOPI Dysphagia Cost Tool as well as a ready-to-use Benefits of IOPI for Dysphagia PowerPoint. Just populate it with information specific to your patient’s needs.

You also have clinical support at your fingertips. Our clinical consultant, Ed M. Bice, M.Ed., CCC-SLP, is available to mentor through the advocacy process to assess and report the estimated cost of dysphagia to your facility. You can reach Ed for a patient consultation or clinical question by calling (844) 844-IOPI or emailing

To access our IOPI Dysphagia Cost Tool, the Benefits of IOPI for Dysphagia PowerPoint, and tips on advocating for your patients, please visit:

Customer Feedback Survey

How can we get better at serving our customers, if we don’t know the ways in which we can improve? We have developed a very brief survey that would give us extremely valuable feedback, and it only takes a minute to complete! Please click the button below to begin.

To those of you who have already completed the survey, thank you! We greatly appreciate your insight into helping us offer the best service and products possible.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if there is anything the IOPI team can assist you with.

We are always happy to help!

Phone: (425)-549-0139


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